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David (Clan Unknown)
Born without a future, reborn without a past...


David is around 5'10 with grey eyes, blond hair, and an athletic build. Physically he appears to be in his early twenties. He wears jeans and dark colored T-shirt most of the time. He now carries a spear-like weapon that he recently picked up. To look into his eyes is to look into the eyes of one of great age and understanding. Even though he can't remember much of his past he sometimes remembers bits and pieces when they are needed for the situation at hand.


David was embraced while participating in the crusades. Before joining the Crusades he was the apprentice to a scribe in his local church. After being embraced David wandered the continent trying to learn more about himself and his new situation. While wandering, David met and fell in love with a German girl who was later killed by a newly embraced vampire and his pack of ghouls. Beyond these things, David is little able to remember his past. The reason that he gives no last name is because he has amnesia caused by a traumatic event sometime in his past and he has forgotten much of his life. His memories start in the late 60's. His amnesia also causes him to use his disciplines erratically since he can't always remember that he is able to do certain things the only times he uses his full power are when he is forced to act on instinct. Another thing of note about David is that he has a strong Code of Honor. In the past this code has even allowed David to endure the True Faith in order to do what he believes is right. Among things that are part of his code is helping others and never intentionally causing harm to another. David cannot remember which clan he belongs to though he does have strong suspicions.

Character Perceptions:

David is still not sure what to think of those found in the Hall. He wants to like many of them but he is still wary of being too open because of his past and the fact that he can't really be sure if any of these people are an enemy or not. Despite this, David has found himself among a group of Kindred that are on an unknown mission.

next character: Darquinian Dronsmere



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