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Revitalization of a medium with great potential. I suppose the White Wolf "realm" could easily be substituted for any other escapist fare -- science fiction, fantasy, western, Harlequin Romance -- insofar as it provides a medium for creative expression through one of the world's ancient artistries, that of "role-playing."

Storytelling can be traced back to the first instance that words were placed upon a page to convey a thought, idea or emotion. And the need to become involved, to, say, surrender to the vision of another individual for a time became not only evocative, but inspiring as well.

The White Wolf æreality' is, truthfully, only another in a long line of role-playing games provided the general public for the means of amusement. The fact that it embraces the supernatural is not new to the medium, nor is the utilization of "stats" and "type." But, to their credit, the folks at White Wolf have proffered an incarnation of paradigm not only faithful to form, but innovative in approach as well. There is pathos behind the slaughter, righteousness behind the dementia.

At least, there is room for these--for the emotions to take part, rather than simple logic and mechanics.

The game shall be what one creates of it.

Some play to vent, some to escape, some for therapy (shudder), and some simply wish to experience a freedom of expression often suppressed by the daily routine. To step out of the restraints of normalcy and slip on the form-fitting garments of the imagination, tailor-made to suit the individual taste.

We are here to bring vitality back to the imagination. To express, rather than impress.

The Masquerade should not, in our eyes, be that of the player hiding behind his or her character.

The Masquerade should be that of finding the perfect masque which stretches supple over the face, leaving room to breathe, to see, to speak -- merely altering the characteristics of the player underneath -- granting permission, in a safe environs, to allow the hidden underpinnings of the psyche free roam for a time. It is a haven for the player to explore the depths of the imagination -- with a safety net, a guideline laid down by the StoryTeller, to ensure a gentle return to normalcy at the end of each session.

Results are not the goal here.

The process is.

And, as in the realm of White Wolf's Masquerade, the goal is not to hide, but to integrate -- albeit some more harshly than others -- and to draw out the greatest qualities of life while holding something sacred close to the heart; be it a secret, a yearning, a passion, a desire -- or dementia.

the.wayward are the denizens of those who shun the posturing of the commonplace, in favor of the limitlessness of the extraordinary.

Welcome to the fringe of genius.



Copyright White Wolf Publishing, Inc.